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These things are important to me. What is important to you?


I have a clear understanding of what the citizens of the 76th District are currently experiencing.  As a single mother, I know what it is like to raise a family and manage a household, all while living paycheck to paycheck.  I understand the stress of unexpected expenses, the dread of an upcoming car inspection, a leaky roof, or an appliance repair or a replacement that will seriously impact your wallet. I also know what it's like to lose your job. When a New Jersey company bought my workplace and decided 30% of my department wasn't needed, I was laid off. I lost another job within the year. I understand the burdens of high student loan bills, seniors being unable to remain in their homes because of rising taxes, utilities and property upkeep. The rising cost associated with quality child care often forces families to choose between one or two parents being able to work. I promise to address these issues and work hard to come up with responsible, affordable solutions.   

Supporting our Veterans

An issue that is close to my heart is Veteran's healthcare issues.  Being a daughter of a veteran of Vietnam, I understand first-hand the effects of PTSD on the family.  Veterans also experience Traumatic Brain Injuries and other challenges from their time served.  We must have appropriate services available and properly funded to help all of them through readjustment into civilian life. According to Veterans Data Central, over 112,000 PA veterans live in homes with one or more major problems of crowding, quality, and/or cost. That is not to mention those that are homeless. If it were up to me, there would be no such thing as a homeless veteran.


As your representative I will work for the people.  I will represent everyone within the community regardless of party, religious or ethnic background.  One of the main reasons I am running for representative is that the people of the 76th District are not being represented equally, and that the division within our community is prohibiting us from being a better, productive society. We deserve to have a representative who is available to speak to and air our beliefs and grievances to directly. I believe that when many different ideas and life experiences join together, we are all the better for it.      


Access to affordable, quality healthcare is vital to a healthy society. That is even more true today than it has ever been. Increased need for medical intervention has led to people learning what their insurance covers as well as what it does not. I know what it is like to get confusing medical bills, and having payment demanded for services that a person reasonably believes will be covered.  As a Director of Human Resources, I know how to explain these confusing matters to others.  I will use these skills in Harrisburg and in my offices in the 76th District to improve the healthcare system and how it works. I view access to quality healthcare as a right, and not a privilege to be available only to those who can afford the high premiums.


There are three school districts in the 76th District: Keystone Central School District, Mifflinburg Area School District, and Lewisburg Area School District. Supporting these students, staff and faculty is crucial. Preserving the opportunities provided by the PA State System of Higher Education’s Lock Haven University offers our students the ability to attend college closer to home. I know that having access to a quality, affordable education empowers our students to compete on a global scale. I understand that the relationships that can be developed between our local students and local industry benefit both, and encourage our young people to stay, live, work, and raise their families here.

Environmental Protections

I see the beauty and possibilities that our great district has to offer.  Exploring and promoting the PA Wilds will not only maintain the unique beauty of our state but will bring more revenue to the district.  We need to teach our children from a young age to appreciate and nurture our natural resources.  The current rate of climate change is evident in the increased number of severe storms, wide variations in temperatures, and increased flooding as water levels rise.  The time to act is now and I will make every effort to make Pennsylvania a leader in environmental issues while maintaining awareness of how much of the PA economy and how many jobs are based in our natural resources. Any advancement that will threaten jobs must be properly assessed to ensure that there is a way to provide new and at the very least equivalent jobs to the workers.

Voting Rights and Fair Districts

The right of citizens to vote and choose their representatives is paramount. Without free and fair elections, no other rights can be guaranteed. The ability of citizens to vote by mail has served to enfranchise those who work away from home such as military, transportation workers, and others. The changes to mail-in voting in 2020 had broad, bipartisan support and was successful. I believe that this practice should continue so that as many voters as possible can make their voice heard. Moreover, we cannot let gerrymandering or map manipulation interfere with the voice of the voter, no matter which side it benefits. Fair Districts of PA has developed a plan for drawing the new lines after the census that is a transparent, accountable process that will best reflect the will of the voters. This plan has had wide bipartisan support but has not been permitted out of committee due to partisan politicians steering the agenda. The legislators are to be chosen by the voter, not the voters being chosen by the legislator. Only through a fair and transparent redistricting process that includes input of the people can we have elections that truly reflect the will of the voters. 

LGBTQ+ Rights
I believe that the LGBTQ+ community deserves the same fundamental rights as all citizens of the United States. Who we marry, what job we desire, how we choose to raise our children, where we choose to live are all personal decisions that we have the constitutional freedom to make. No one, especially our representative government, has the right to infringe upon those decisions. I will defend and uphold the rights of all individuals in Pennsylvania.
Reproductive Rights
I am pro-choice and will work hard to protect reproductive rights. The fundamental right to make decisions about our own bodies must be guaranteed. Without that, there is no true liberty. Women deserve equal protection under the law and should not be stripped of their self-determination. But too often the conversation ends there. Regardless of what she chooses, making a decision of whether or not to continue a pregnancy is one of the hardest and most traumatic decisions for a woman. We must do our best to prevent it from getting to this worst-case scenario. We need to provide comprehensive sex education, as well as making sure everyone has easy access to contraceptives.


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